Lifting jackA lifting jack is a mechanical device which is used to lift heavy loads. It employs force for its operation. You must have seen jacks for lifting cars, lifting heavy equipment on the construction or rig sites. You may have also used one while lifting something but, what else do you know about them except that they are used to lift objects in Dubai and worldwide.

There is a variety of jacks available for lifting different weights and objects in Dubai. One of the types is hydraulic jacks. The main mechanism with which force is applied by these jacks is via a hydraulic cylinder. There are also mechanical jacks which are different from hydraulic ones and they are mostly used to lift heavier loads with ease.

Contact lifting jacks rental dubai in case you need any equipment related to cranes, want to rent a crane or a jack for lifting any equipment.

Mechanical jacks operate on pressure generated force to lift objects. For lifting heavy loads, pump plungers are used to move oil through the two cylinders. This creates pressure to build up within the cylinder.

Another known type of hydraulic jack is the bottle jack. These jacks were quite famous in the early 1900s and were invented to enable a person to lift a vehicle for all kinds of service, inspection and maintenance.

Bottle jackBottle neck jacks are mostly used in the automobile industry. However, they can be used for other purposes except just lifting and moving vehicles. These jacks are also utilized in the medical industry to lift patients. When it comes to industrial uses like plumbing, electrical operations and lifting of the variable material in warehouses, bottleneck jacks are quite useful.

When it comes to floor mechanical jacks, they are different from bottle neck jacks as they have a horizontal shaft. The shaft of floor mechanical jacks pushes on a crank which connects to the lifting pad. Here, hydraulics aren’t used to assist with the lifting.

Floor jacks are prioritized more when compared to bottle jack as they provide a more vertical shift. They also come in a variety of sizes when compared to bottle neck jacks.

You may need a jack for a number of needs, but make sure you rent it from a reliable heavy jacks company instead of buying it and spending a great deal of money. As your needs may be for a short period of time.
